Protective bag for securing goods. Airbags exert pressure on the walls of the transport unit, preventing the cargo from moving around.
Airbags prevent damage to goods if they become dislodged in transit, in addition to any subsequent problems during the unloading process.
They are reusable and adaptable to packaging of all shapes and sizes.
They can be used for transport by road, sea or rail.

  • Outer bag of smooth, solid and waterproof materials made from Kraft paper and PP woven fabric bonded with PE.
  • Inner plastic bag with co-extruded multi-layers of film which is highly extensible, airtight and perforation resistant
  • Safety valve + handle.
ABP100150AIR BAG PAPEL 100x150cm. (400ud/palet)
ABP120210AIR BAG PAPEL 120x210cm. (230ud/palet)
ABP60120AIR BAG PAPEL 60x120cm. (600ud/palet)
ABP6090AIR BAG PAPEL 60x90cm. (650ud/palet)
ABP80120AIR BAG PAPEL 80x120cm. (600ud/palet)
ABP90120AIR BAG PAPEL 90x120cm. (600ud/palet)
ABP90180AIR BAG PAPEL 90x180cm. (450ud/palet)
© C&S Packaging Supplier 2025 | B65294613 |
C/ Empordà, 4 (esquina C/ Ripollés)
Polígono Industrial Can Bernades - Subirà
08130 Santa Perpètua de Mogoda - Barcelona (Spain)
Tel. +34 93 864 01 70 | Fax +34 93 864 98 13
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